Who is Reddit?
Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.
   • 1 PM, 2 web eng, 1 other designer + myself
   • Overall, new users don’t understand how voting works; they refer to it as:
        • View count
        • Likes
        • Something to move content up or down

When users were shown the new post card designs, they referred to them as:
        • Less cluttered
        • More organized
        • More directed
        • Everything seems to have a purpose

One user said the site is busy and
“Unlike Twitter that is asking you to take 1-2 actions, Reddit is asking you to comment, vote, log in/sign up, Join the Discussion, Create a Post, etc. all within the first scroll view of the homepage”
This is how post cards currently look (June 2019).

Early desktop exploration with top comments
Early gestural exploration
Emphasize brand |Lean into revenue streams (awards) | Spell out metadata

Unity between platforms
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